Thursday, April 19, 2012

Meeting English speakers in Paris

I%26#39;ve just discovered this forum and am delighted. I will be spending a month in Paris this summer (I%26#39;m trading my house with a lovely Parisian family who have an apartment on the Left Bank). I intermittently have friends coming to visit, and friends of friends live in Paris. However, I would very much like to meet new people. My concern is that my French is very rudimentary. I can get around and order a meal, but for someone to enjoy my company, I will need to socialize with English speakers. My previous experience, of course, is that many Europeans speak English. But I would be grateful for any suggestions. Also, I will need an English newspaper, and maybe a bookstore with books in English.


The American Church in Paris offers a variety of programs for ex-pats and Shakeaspeare %26amp; Co bookstore, on quai Montabello in the 5eme has all sorts of programs---and notices for other programs elsewhere. CAFE Les EDITEURS-- --on Carrefour de l%26#39;Odeon, in the 6eme is a good place to is BREAKFAST IN AMERICA-- --over in the 5eme for those craving an instant artery-clogging full--bacon, eggs, home fries, pancakes, nitro-in-vending-machines--American breakfast. There are now several STARBUCK%26#39;S COFFEE shops in Paris and these are probably worth checking out.


Before you go, you might want to consider taking a refresher course to brush up on the language. As a student there, I always found that many people appreciated a first attempt in French, even if they ended up trying to practice their English with you. Take that month to steep yourself fully in the culture (you are very lucky!) and challenge yourself to truly live like a Parisienne. To meet new people, sign up for a local class or attend lectures. But I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll find that you%26#39;ll get to know the local shopkeepers %26amp; stall merchants after seeing them everyday!


I was surprised at how much English is spoken in Paris. Everywhere we went people would speak to us in English, even a 13 year old Italian girl at a bus stop ask me for directions in English.

In fact I kept forgetting to say anything in French; I just talked right back at them in English. On two different occasions French men offered us unsolicited assistance on the Metro. Every waiter and clerk spoke to us in English from the %26#39;get go.%26#39;

I kept hoping for an opportunity to demonstrate my ignorance of French, but just never got the change. I wonder why I even bothered to learn those 10 or so words in French. Nobody seemed to even care that I said Bonjour or not when I entered their establishment.

So, I think you will find a lot of French to socialize with in English.


Your best resource may be the bi-weekly magazine that%26#39;s put out in Paris, %26#39;..FUSAC..%26#39; (French USA Contacts) with information for the English-speaking, %26#39;ex-pat%26#39; community in Paris and beyond. It%26#39;s available at many news kiosks throughout Paris.



Cafe des Editeurs is a great place, but geared more for the francophone crowd.

For English groups, activities and local magazines that target the expat community (there are three of them), check out the bookstores.

WH SMith on the rue de Rivoli up the street from the bilingual Galliani or Brentanos on the ave de l%26#39;Opera.

San Francisco Book Company is for used books and has a great bulletin board.

Tea and Tattered Pages on the rue Mayet is next to an English DVD rental shop.

My Mother in law has very simple strategy....she just starts conversations with interesting people when she finds herself near them. This often ends up in invitations and future meetings.

You are going to be here for a relatively short time and with visitors coming from home and all there is to see/do in Paris you won%26#39;t really have much time to think about meeting up with others.


If you will still be in Paris on September 18, a group

of english speaking posters is going to get together

along with anneparis and raphy (2 parisians).

Post here and you%26#39;ll be included.


I am posting in response to Randy Silver Frame about the get together for English speakers. I would like more info if possible. I live in Paris with my husband, we have been here for close to a year and really haven%26#39;t met many people. We both work long hours and travel a lot but I think it is time to meet some more people!




Carol, my family spent 2 weeks in Paris and I expected our children to practice their French, however, whenever I started a conversation with a Parisian, my English-accented French was heard and all but one person responded in English. I explained to one waiter that I wanted my children to practice their French and he replied, %26quot;But, Madame, I want to practice my English.%26quot; I don%26#39;t think you will have any problem speaking English is Paris.



Thanks for your post. I am putting together a gathering

of enlish speaking posters who will be in Paris on

September 18th. No place or time has as yet been

selected but we are in process. Would be glad to have

you join us and will post you when the details are

worked out. Parisians anneparis and raphy are planning

to join us. It looks like 10-12 at this point.

A good way to meet english speakers is at the

American Church. In addition to services on Sunday

they have a number of good programs.

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