I hadn%26#39;t thought of this, but I%26#39;m trying to go through the whole process of %26quot;home to hotel%26quot; in my head.
Is there anything I should know about taking my video camera through the airport and onto the plane? Will our intrepid airport sevurity forces run it through the x-ray machine? And if they do, will it damage it?
I know about needing the reciept or having it cleared and registered before I board.
no problem.
you can use it when airborn, however not during take-off and landing.
My aunt brought hers with her when we went to Vienna. She had no problems. I think she had them hand check it when we went through security. She did not bring her receipt with her and they never questioned her about it going through customs. I was never asked about my digital camera either. If it%26#39;s pretty new though you should probably bring your receipt with you in case they think you bought it there.
i used my video camera once while in flight with no problems, and it was obvious i was using it , and i used it often.
however, on my last flight back home with american airlines another guy was using a video camera and the air hostess told him %26quot;uh uh you can%26#39;t do that%26quot; rudely.
i forget if he was trying to video just before take off or not though... so that may have been the problem... i just forget when it was.
i cant think of a reason why you couldnt use it during flight
Thanks for your replies.
I wasn%26#39;t even thinking about using it on the plane, although now that you mention it...... I was just concerned with the
treatment by the inspectors and whether it would be run through the x-ray machine. I paid too much for it to be ruined at the airport!
You guys rock!
The xrays will not hurt your camera.... xrays are destructive to extremely light sensitive film, but electronic equip will not be effected in the least.
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