Thursday, April 19, 2012

!4 arrondissement is which zone?

If i stay in 14th arrondissement then which zone of paris would i be staying in .If i want to buy the carte orange for zone 1-2 then would it be ok for me

where can i find details about arrondissements in each zone

Please suggest


Yes, it is enough to buy Care Orange zone 1-2 if you stay in the 14th...That%26#39;s OK!




Hello Indutai,

You might do well to search on this forum for %26quot;arrondissements%26quot;. They are 20 specific sections of Paris...all within zone 1/2 of the carte orange transportation ticket....

Each arrondisement in Paris has five numbers, all starting with the numbers 750 and ending with the two arrondisement numbers. 75001 to 75020, just a way the Parisians have of dividing up the city for convenience, I guess..........There is no reason to know which arrondisement is in what metro zone.....All of Paris proper is covered by the ticket.

It is actually easy to figure out if you dont get yourself too confused.

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