Tuesday, March 27, 2012

for the europeans: what is better for you, euro or you...

I see debates all over the internet, that some European countries want to switch back to their original currency. Itlay wants lira back, for example.

Do French want Francs back?


i would looooooooooooooooooooooooove to come back to francs, i HATE euros, you can%26#39;t imagine. first of all, i am still not used to euros, so when i buy a pair a open shoes that cost me 190 euros on sale, i%26#39;m like well it%26#39;s expensive but it%26#39;s like 800 francs, it%26#39;s ok. and then when i come back home, that i bought the 2 pairs for 380 euros, i realize that 190 = 1244 francs.....so i hate euros, i never spent so much money than with the euros, i spend maybe the double of what i should, so i would love francs to come back.


190 euros for shoes?? I think the problem lay elsewhere... :) j/k


alex are they great shoes?

then it is toally worth it


lol but that was just an example, it%26#39;s the same for everything, when i buy food, clothes, housewares, in euros everything seems so cheap, flight tickets, cosmetics etc. that%26#39;s why i hate these euros, i never wanted them, but well some people like it but lots of my friends also have this pb, they spend more money than when the francs were still there.


Alex you are funny. What a great excuse to overspend! I wish I had an equally good excuse.


OK, in one way, the Euro is great, especially when you travel to other European countries that are on the Euro. Also, it%26#39;s easy to compare prices for hotels, restos, clothes, etc.

On the other hand, and everybody agrees here, things have become a lot more expensive.

I want the FF back!


I love the idea of a united Europe, but since the intro of the Euro prices have gone up at least 30% and salaries have not followed, meaning that the cost of living just keeps rising and we are getting poorer. This is true in every Euro country that we have visited, so we all pretty much hate the thing.

In fact, I think that has something to do with the stunning success of the Constitutional referendums.

Want to laugh... the retirees of France are on strike today...there are hundreds flocked outside my window at this very moment, shouting on bull horns, blowing whistles and waving banners. It begs the question... does this mean they go back to work for the day?


Im for the Euro. Def. Each time I cross the border when going to Germany, Spain or Italy i thank the money markets gods for the Euro, as it is really convenient to have the same currency.

Therefore, the disapearance of the currency issues in Europe, weakeness or strengthness of one compared to the other, is a relief.

Italy doesn%26#39;t want the lira back.

A right-wing extremist of a nationalist separatist league that happen to be a minister of Berlusconi%26#39;s government wants the lira back.

This is slightly different.


This is true that since the euro became our currency, things have got more expensive. BUT, I LOVE the idea of travelling all around Europe without having to change currencies.


I love the Euro - was a bit sceptical initially, but am now a convert. Over here we can now see how the multinationals are ripping the Irish public off. They can no longer blame the conversion rates and a wobbly Punt for their ever increasing rates. When we travel to France, we can compare directly like with like. Its great. Now if only the British would adopt it, travel would be REALLY easy :O)

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