Saturday, March 24, 2012

Allergy to with french language translation...

i will be traveing in paris for 10 day and have a very severe allergy to nuts

i have a translation book but i would like to know specifically how to say

%26quot;are there nuts in that%26quot;

so i dont get myself ill



%26quot;Je ne peux pas manger des noix parceque je suis tres allergique.%26quot; (I cannot eat nuts because I%26#39;m very allergic) should get it.


%26quot;Ce plat contient-il des noix?%26quot; should do. It means literally are there any nuts in this dish?

Also you might want %26quot;Je suis tres allergique aux noix de toutes les sortes.%26quot; (I am very allergic to nuts of all kinds.)

I kind of think that if you make it clear that you have a medical reason for asking you are more likely to get a straight answer than if a waiter thinks you are just being picky.

You could print these on a small card if you are not confident enough in your French pronunciation to get the message across.

Bonne chance - et bon appetit!


We will be travelling with our child who is also allergic to peanut and nut. When will you be going? If you leave before the end of July, it would be very helpful if you can share your experience in how the restaurants deal with this issue.

Thanks so much.



Try this site It translates all types of allergies and such and prints it out for you on a laminated card. This was reccomended to me by another poster, Kelbel. Hope you can use it :)




Mydaughter is severely allergic to Shrimp/shellfish. She can go into anaphylactic shock. She is also allergic to peanuts but not as bad but we still have to avoid them to keep her from becoming more allergic. We printed a translation on this on a card and had it laminated. We showed it to waiters and food preparers and everyone understood, even if there was a language barrier. It was nerve racking but everything was fine.

Please remember..if you have an epi pen, have a doctors prescription with it. Airport screeners could ask you for it :)

have a great time and don%26#39;t worry



See also the comments under a previous thread from way back in January headed %26#39;Is it common to use peanut butter%26#39;.

I found it again by typing in the word %26#39;allergie%26#39; in the search box above.

There were details of how to call an ambulance - not that I%26#39;m trying to be dramatic!!


thank you all for your help..the wbsite withe the laminatd cards was great


Gary - looks like I hit the nail on the head when I told you to post this! I%26#39;m so glad it helped. I learned a lot myself!


I am so glad you brought this subject up as my daughter has a severe nut allergy,the smell of peanuts causes severe distress. She is also highly allergic to chicken so we travel with a epipen. We are going to paris and this thread has been a lifesaver.



vickisfloyd -

I%26#39;m always happy when someone hits the nail on the head...

N%26#39;est-ce pas, Truffaut?

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