Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Paris Trip Report - Day 2 "The Louvre"

We woke up bright and early for our 2nd day in beautiful Paris! We decided to head back to the Eiffel Tower to try and beat the crowds since on our trip there the night before it looked really busy. Our hotel was very close to the ET so this was a pleasant walk after stopping for 2 cafe cremes and a pain au chocolate. Unfortunately, last nights crowds had nothing on this mornings! The tour groups and buses were out in full force so my husband and I looked at each other and said %26quot;we%26#39;ll come back later%26quot;. This seemed to be a reoccuring theme already!

We didn%26#39;t have any other definite plans but we had a list of %26quot;must dos%26quot; so after consulting that, we headed to a Metro station, grabbed our 3 day museum passes and made our way to the Louvre. I knew we had to see the %26quot;top 3%26quot; but we also wanted to take in the beauty of the building itself and see some of the other artwork. Crowds were heavy but we managed to make our way through a good part of the museum in 3-4 hours or so.

We were pretty hungry by this time so we headed to a patiserie and grabbed a onion tart which I ended up sharing with some very persistent birds! We had dinner reservations that evening at Le Coupe Chou so we wanted to go back to our room to freshen up before heading over to the Latin Quarter. We got desperately lost trying to find the restaurant with the lousy directions I printed out but on the bright side we managed to see a lot of the neighborhood in the process!

We ate early (7:00) so there were only other tourists dining in this small, but very scenic restaurant. My husband and I shared a carafe of their house red wine. I had a duck terrine and salmon with a lovely terragon sauce and wilted spinach. My husband had some sort of cream, cheese %26amp; egg mixture for his entree (which was delicious but he was a bit surprised at first since the egg was not cooked - just broke over the top of the hot cream %26amp; cheese which became soft cooked from the heat eventually) and the duck. We shared creme brulee for dessert. Everything was very good.

After dinner we went back to our room with our full bellys and tired feet.


My husband had that egg/cheese concoction as an appetizer at Le Coupe Chou. They called it a %26quot;poulon du barbier%26quot; We asked for the ingredients, and the waiter told us they used gruyere cheese, cream and tarragon (and eggs of course). We are going to try to duplicate it. Stand by :)


Thanks for the great report Nicolep...I%26#39;ll be awaiting your further reports!

Iamwoman...please let us know how the dish turns out!! We have chickens (don%26#39;t ask!) and I%26#39;m always looking for egg recipes - especially French recipes. This one sounds interesting, which is right up our alley...


Thanks, iamwoman for those ingredients (and the proper name)! I thought it was delicious and would love to try making it at home.


Hi Nicolep91

I enjoyed your trip report and am keen to hear the next chapter - Do you finally conquer ET or will you have to return yet again!

I tried many patisseries for Onion tart and never managed to find it in Paris.

Was it very delicious?


Roundtheworld - the onion tart was delicious! I%26#39;m going to have to try to recreate it at home. We did finally make it to the top of the ET. I%26#39;ll be sure to share the experience in my trip report soon!

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