Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is it safe to ride the metro at night

The apt. where I will be staying in Paris is in the 15eme. I guess this is a bit off the beaten path. I%26#39;m wondering if we stay out late at night and need to take the metro back to our place will we be safe?



The metro closes down after midnight. Usually, there are people riding it until then. Getting to the 15th arr. shouldn%26#39;t be a problem. If you feel not comfortable, enquire about the busses. Some do run until midnight and then, you would have the night busses called (noctambus). You%26#39;ll find all the bus lines on the metro map you get for free at any metro stop. It takes some time to study it, but it%26#39;s worth it. Riding the busses, especially during daytime, is a lot more fun and in some cases (especially the east-west-east directions), even quicker than the metro which can involve a lot of walking at some of the large stations.


The Metro will be relatively safe throughout most of Paris at almost any time of day or night..and certainly on lignes serving most of the 15eme.

If the otherwise excellent Paris public bus system has a %26#39;flaw%26#39;, it is like most bus service, in most citiie: service on many routes ends around 7-8 PM or frequency of buses is severely curtailed on remainin routes in service. All but a few major routes end service by 11 PM with only a few running later. There is a limited NOCTABUS (night bus) service that runs mainly between makor Metro stations at night but the routes are limited and buses infrequent. If you%26#39;re really familiar with the system and how it works, buses are a viable option later in the evening but for the most part the Metro will be your best bet. It%26#39;s also worth noting that the RAPT does most of it%26#39;s repair/renovation work at night so in any given week some stations and stretches of Metro ligne will be closed or out of service. You cna check the RATP web site before you go for their schedule od service interuptions or pay attention to signage at stations. You may be surprised to discover that the station that you left from and the ligne that you took without problem going some place may not be available when you try to return later that night.




Yup, you should be plenty safe getting home late at night via metro, Noctumbus, or by hoofing it. Even if you are a woman goign solo.

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