Thursday, March 29, 2012

day dreaming about Paris...

I haven%26#39;t even been to Paris yet and I am already day dreaming about her! I%26#39;ve already bought a few scarves and almost on a daily basis wear one around my neck. I%26#39;ve downloaded a %26#39;how to tie your scarf%26#39; document from Herme and try a new knot each time. Every week I go to our most european like cafe and order a cafe creme (well, I pretend it%26#39;s a cafe creme...but it%26#39;s just a late) and an almond croissant and read one of my many Paris guide books and pretend I am in Paris.

So how pathetic is that??? Please tell me I am not alone, and there are others out there like me who can%26#39;t help but day dream about Paris every day.

7 weeks to go. Why is time moving so slowly???


i hear ya - ill be in europe for 3 weeks and 4 days in paris in late june

i went in 2000 with my sis, this time solo - all i know is that im going to the top of the eiffel this time! no chickening out!


Cedre - you%26#39;re not quite a sicko - or if you are, there%26#39;s an epidemic around the world!! I carry my Paris guide books with me everywhere - never know when you%26#39;ll need a good read..I%26#39;m even driving my french tutor crazy!!!

Enjoy/indulge - only those who have been can truly understand....BTW - if you think you%26#39;ve got it bad now, wait until you return!!



Hi again - re %26quot;how to tie a scarf%26quot; - where exactly on the Hermes website did you find it?? or forward the doc by email to me? (I suspect there%26#39;ll be a few people wanting this!)

Thanks again



Hiya Cedre!

You are NOT crazy! :-) We ALL do the same thing!!! I have spent a small fortune decorating my apartment to look Parisian, and I have a whole library of books on Paris too! The ones I love to read the most are on the topic of French behavior and social stuff (not that it%26#39;s helped me understand the French any better!) So don%26#39;t worry, only your cat thinks you are crazy, and she is allowed! (Super cute kittycat you have, by the way!)



Thanks lasscass...that picture is in fact Cedre ;) I%26#39;ve stollen his name for this forum. He does think I am crazy...but like you said, he%26#39;s allowed. I went and bought ANOTHER Paris book. This one has lots of pictures and a map...not sure if the map is any good, but it will add to my obssessive collection :)

Sandra, I went back to the Hermes website and I couldn%26#39;t find it again, so I sent you the files.


Go to the website above and click on %26quot;Playtime with Your Scarf.%26quot;


Thanks for the files - now I can have some more fun pretending!!!



NO, you%26#39;re certainly not pathetic. We all do what we need to. That%26#39;s why I buy all the French language magazines I can, including cooking magazines, and on rainy days pull out my Paris Cafe music CDs while I%26#39;m puttering in the kitchen. It%26#39;s amazing what a pot of onion soup will do for you!

I think someone mentioned it here a while ago, but I even go to websites and plug in addresses just so that I can look at the buildings in my fave neighborhoods.


Now I%26#39;m intrigued!!

Please tell me how to tie a scarf properly so I too can look tre%26#39; chic%26#39;! I tried the website but couldn%26#39;t find anything...

Yes I%26#39;m another avid fan, I%26#39;m finding myself on this forum every minute of the day that I can get to a pc! 3 weeks to go, the boyfriend thinks he%26#39;s going away for a relaxing weekend- how wrong he is, I%26#39;m already bouncing off the walls!


Dear Cedre and other women dreaming about scarves.

I am sorry to destroy a dream but scarves are not trendy at all in Paris. Only grandmothers wear scarves in Paris. It is true that some of them can be truly elegant (Hermes) but if you want to look like a young trendy Parisian, do not wear scarves. Show your neck, it is much more feminine.

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