Thursday, April 12, 2012

Help with Lost Baggage

Last Wednesday we returned to the U.S. from a trip to France and Barcelona. The day prior to our departure, we flew from Barcelona to Paris Orly on EasyJet. Unfortunately, they lost one of our bags. We filled in the report and informed the baggage claim people that we were leaving early the next morning. They assured us they would do all they could to get our bag to us that evening. The bag did not arrive and the contact number they gave us is always occupied so we were unable to speak to them before leaving from CDG. We asked the man who had rented us a flat earlier during our stay in Paris if he would contact them for us and make sure they had our U.S. address. He was able to get through to them one time and they agreed to ship the bag to us. However, they delivered it to the small hotel we stayed at during our last night instead. So, a week later, the bag is still at this small hotel in Paris. The person who is helping us in Paris is unable to get through to the baggage service number and the UK baggage claim department for EasyJet says that we must work through the Orly airport. Has anyone else experienced this type of situation? Do you have any suggestions for how we can get our bag home? Any advice would be grealty appreciated.


UH OHHH !!! If you look at the Terms of Carraige requirements of your tickets, the airline is only obliged to deliver your baggage to your flight%26#39;s your case ORLY airport in Paris or failing that, to your local destination--in Paris. Easy Jet has done that and so technically completed it%26#39;s portion of the carraige %26#39;contract%26#39;. That you weren%26#39;t there to collect it personally is not necessarily their problem anymore.

To do more, Easy Jet will have to arrange to pick-up the bag at your Paris hotel, return it to ORLY and arrange to have it shipped to you in the US. Odds are they are going to be VERY reluctant to go to that much trouble or expense to do that.

So, you are about to enter the %26#39;..twilight zone..%26#39; of international airlines. Odds are you are going to have to coax, cajole and con Easy Jet representative via international long distance telephone calls, e-mail or regular mail. You have no recourse through US agencies. You%26#39;re choice are going to be to control both your patience and temper for the duration; pay to have the bag shipped to you in the US, at your own expense or write off the bag and its contents as a dead loss. I suspect in the end that option #3 will prevail.

Since Easy Jet operates within the EU you may have some recourse through its public aviation agencies-- Air Transport Users Council (??)--


Interesting information from KDKSAIL.

Perhaps you could recruit somebody on this forum, who just so happens to be in Paris at the moment to fetch the thing.


i think thats called a mule.. happens all the time, all these young people leaving colombia.. do this all the time.. arrving in NYC, Miami, or here.. Houston.. LOL

I%26#39;m just playin... just sounded weird... ever seen get shorty.. dont wanna do that..


I feel for you ... Can you talk to the hotel staff and have them ship the bag via Fedex, UPS or DHL or whatever, and you pay them the shipping? I don%26#39;t know how big the bag is and how much it is going to cost ... You have to pay it out of your pocket but at least you don%26#39;t have to waste time and energy to deal with the airline, in case you don%26#39;t want to write off the bag just yet.


I%26#39;m almost at the point of trying to arrange to have it shipped on my own as it seems impossible to communicate with the airlines. It%26#39;ll be a little difficult as I don%26#39;t have a way to directly communicate with the people at the hotel. The guy who rented us the flat arranged the hotel for us. It%26#39;s a small place with only one person who speaks any English.


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;I%26#39;m almost at the point of trying to arrange to have it shipped on my own as it seems impossible to communicate with the airlines. It%26#39;ll be a little difficult as I don%26#39;t have a way to directly communicate with the people at the hotel. The guy who rented us the flat arranged the hotel for us. It%26#39;s a small place with only one person who speaks any English.%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

If you are thinking of having the bag shipped to you in the US, you have only yo get the people at the hotel to hold it until a pick-up can be arranged through one of the shipping companies--UPS, Fed Ex, etc. Then you simply communicate through the shipping company, who will most certainly have fluent English spreaking staff. If you rented an apartment, perhaps you can ask the agent or woner who handled the rental act as your local intermediary?


Pehaps call the corporate office and see if they have a customer response unit to handle difficult problems? I have found their address but havent been able to find a phone number:

EasyJet Airline Company Limited, EasyLand, London Luton Airport, Bedfordshire LU2 9LS, UK

I would not take no for an answer until I got somewhere with them. Get a specific contract with a direct number to their desk. Best of luck!


If you%26#39;re stuck I can always call to the hotel and get the bag from them.

Anything %26#39;interesting%26#39; in it? :)


I%26#39;m still working on getting the bag home. American Express Global Assist worked with me to communicate with the Servisair people who contract with EasyJet to handle their luggage in France. At one point, the bag was supposed to be flying to the U.S. on an Air France flight, but I was told they took it off because EasyJet has no transport agreements with any other airlines. The latest suggestion from the Servisair people was that they could put it on an Air Turkey flight to Istanbul and then NY and evnetually California. The disclaimer was that since EasyJet has no agreements with the airline, they might not accept it and with all the transfers, it could get lost. I decided to ship it home myself and am now being told that DHL won%26#39;t ship it unless I get an Importer%26#39;s account and UPS requires someone to actually bring the bag to one of their locations and then fill out the paperwork. Does anyone have any recommendations for shipping something to the U.S. when you are not there to handle the details yourself? It%26#39;s been a major hassle. Certainly something to be aware of if you fly a discount airline within Europe. Don%26#39;t expect the level of customer service you would get from a U.S. airline or major international carrier.


This bag wouldn%26#39;t by any chance be an old piece of Amelia Earhart Luggage would it?. It%26#39;s too bad that like one of those %26#39; gnomes..%26#39; that people keep sending around the world, you can%26#39;t have people take photos of your errant bag in front of the landmarks of all of the places it will undoubetedly vist before it is finally returned to you?? At least you%26#39;d have a great story to compensate you for some of the aggravation you%26#39;ve had. But when the bag is finally returned to you, if the guy who delivers it is named Fred very afraid.

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