Sunday, April 15, 2012

RPL... was there day 5?

or is the adventure over? :(


Hi JustGrace-

Not over- just got back- went away for the weekend and I have not had a chance to post the remainder of my adventure. Day 5 should be on its way tomorrow night! Too pooped tonight- and I have to work early in the AM tomorrow. Thanks for hanging in there with me though!

Robin :)


Robin.. I just saw your posts late last night. I left a couple replies if you%26#39;re interested in checking them out.

Glad you enjoyed your trip!!

(My next trip is now less then 4 weeks away.. wahoooooo)




Robin...what happened? I am dying to read your day 5 trip report!!!


We used to call this kind of behavior %26quot;Pulling a KelBel.%26quot;

You wouldn%26#39;t want us to start calling it %26quot;Pulling a Robin%26quot; would you?

Seriously, WTF are you???


LOL!!! I thought WTF stood for %26quot;what the f#$%26amp;%26quot;. But I hope you meant %26quot;Where the f#$%26amp;%26quot;.


In the context I *think* I meant where...

But you never know...


WOW!! Just returned to this forum after a very long absence and I see this %26quot;lovely%26quot; post from IrishRovr.

Not that I owe an explanation....but I got very ill when I returned from Paris (not related!)....ended up being hospitalized and am still not 100%. I also had a death in the family and lost my job due to the health issues.

Nice to know people think of it as %26quot;pulling a KelBel%26quot;. If that is the case....I really hope no one %26quot;pulls a KelBel%26quot;....because I wouldn%26#39;t wish my health issues on my worst enemies.

And to think I logged on to FINALLY finish my trip report!!!


Hey KelBel!

Good to see you back!!!

And I%26#39;m sorry to hear about all your troubles.

If you check back (search for your own log-in name) through the posts after you disappeared you will find that I asked repeatedly if anyone knew what had become of you. But nobody seemed to know...

Anyway I hope you are feeling better and that things will only improve for you from here on...

And the %26quot;Pulling a KelBel%26quot; remark was intended only as a joke. I%26#39;m sorry it rubbed you the wrong way.


Hi everyone-

Sorry to have dissappointed you all- I have been disappointed too! Let%26#39;s just say my #@$$%26amp;** computer decided to go %^%26amp;##$%## haywire and I could not log on or do anything as I was hung up in DSL he*l. But, now after more phone support calls than I would ever like to count- I am finally up and running.

Thank God!

I planned to do day 5 tonight. I hope you are all still interested! On another note- I saw Forget Paris today- it was on local TV...I started screeching at every scene and realized that I had been most places that they were in the movie. My boyfriend also got a big kick out of seeing me so excited and I think he may have %26quot;the BUG%26quot; now- so maybe WE will be going back next year (I HOPE)-

Missing reading all your posts- but I will have to catch up now!!


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