Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm addicted to TA my hubby says I need help!!

I just had to share this - I%26#39;m addicted to TA - I%26#39;m on a lot just browsing and planning our upcoming trip to France. My husband just came up and once again found me on the computer. He says he%26#39;s going for a full on intervention because he says I%26#39;m losing it!! He%26#39;s probably just mad because he doesn%26#39;t have any clean underwear - yes, it%26#39;s true I%26#39;ve let the laundry slip so I can catch up on everything.


I am addicted as well. I start every day with a visit to the TA paris forum. I suggest we all meet in paris for our first TA Anonymous meeting.


My hubby laughs at me because I always hated using the computer, now he laughs if I get up at night to trot down the hall, have to stop and check TA !! I%26#39;ll be at the TA addiction meeting!!!


Oooh, I love the idea of meeting in Paris for TA Annonymous meeting. I am an addict too! I start my day with a visit to this site and end my day by a visit to this site. I wonder what%26#39;s going to happen to me when I get back from Paris. I think I%26#39;ll go into Post-Paris depression!


Will there be broadband %26#39;net access at this meeting?

If so, I%26#39;ll be there with my laptop. Otherwise, forget it!


He%26#39;ll have a whole new respect for it when you%26#39;re able to lead him to just the right restaurant with no fuss or miuss, lead the wat through Paris on Metro, RER or bus as if you%26#39;ve done it many times before, know what%26#39;s open today and what%26#39;s closedso that you don%26#39;t trek half-way across the city on a wild goose chase...and any one of a thousand-and-one-other things that you can answer...before he even asks the question. And in the meantime, save him a bunch of bucks that he can then use to buy you something VERY nice in Paris as his way of showing hiis appreciation for you being so CLEVER.


Hi Must -

Since you will attending our gathering in Paris

on September 18, I assume you will be bringing

HIM along. Once surrounded by a dozen

ardent posters, it would be realistic to expect

a conversion. Just hold on until September 18th.


I too have quickly become addicted, but I look at this as a way of getting full value out of my trip.

My trip is costing me a ton, and will only be 17 days long, BUT,I am enjoying it 82 days in advance.

So if you take the price of my trip and divide by 99 days, then it only cost less then 25 dollars per day per person( includes airfare and Eurostar,all admissions, food and hotel! )

So, viola, an economy trip!


I knew there were others out there like me. I know all the tips and info I get from TA is going to be worth all my time. I am hoping to surprise my hubby with all my knowledge. My goal is to be able to walk into a restaurant and order everything in french and to be able to converse with the waiter (so if, for example, the waiter asks how I want my meat cooked I can reply). Thanks everybody - oh and for those of you meeting up in September - I%26#39;m not planning on telling my husband we%26#39;re planning on meeting up - he%26#39;ll really think I%26#39;ve gone over the edge to meet up with %26quot;total%26quot; strangers in Paris - but of course, you are not %26quot;total%26quot; strangers, you%26#39;re my TA buddies!!!


WARNING: It can be equally addictive after you%26#39;ve got a way of sort-of still being there...until next time.

||| can be even MORE addicting then (Ask me how I know :)

You can actually %26quot;see%26quot; everything that people are discussing!!

Oh, and BTW - Tell your husband that there are MANY worse things to be addicted to!!

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