Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I guess being insensitive could be called "pulling an...

Posted in RPL Day 5 thread as well....

WOW!! Just returned to this forum after a very long absence and I see this %26quot;lovely%26quot; post from IrishRovr.

Not that I owe an explanation....but I got very ill when I returned from Paris (not related!)....ended up being hospitalized and am still not 100%. I also had a death in the family and lost my job due to the health issues.

Nice to know people think of it as %26quot;pulling a KelBel%26quot;. If that is the case....I really hope no one %26quot;pulls a KelBel%26quot;....because I wouldn%26#39;t wish my health issues on my worst enemies.

And to think I logged on to FINALLY finish my trip report!!!


KelBel -

Please check my reply in the RPL day 5 thread...

And again I apologize if my facetious remark upset you...


Hi Kelbel

WELCOME back! As you can see if you search this forum using your own name, we often wondered where you had gone and if you were well. Your writing is SO entertaining that I guess your public just got demanding - the downside of fame.

Its good to know you%26#39;re back now, as one does tend to wonder whether people disappear because they just get busy on return or whether something terrible has happened. I hope things start to look up for you soon.


PS - I promise not to hassle for trip instalments - relax, sit back and enjoy reading the erudite discussions that we%26#39;ve had here about such critical issues as ice and air-conditioning!


Hello KelBel,

It is too bad you have been having such a hard time with life lately and I am sorry to hear it. I do hope you will feel better soon.

Take care of yourself and try to relax, if you can.



KelBel, so very sorry to hear about your misfortune...after such a wonderful trip to Paris. To come home and go through such pain. We all missed you and couldn%26#39;t imagine what happened. I and I think everyone would love to hear your trip report...we hung on every word each day. I%26#39;m sure nobody meant any harm with comments. You should know better than anyone that we get a little silly and sarcastic at times on this site.


We really missed you Kel! Remember it is always darkest before the dawn. Best wishes for some sunshine in your life, El


Kelbel, I am new to this forum, so just reading your post, as I see it I thought %26quot; wow, super sensitive person%26quot; . Remember no one actually knew what problems you were going through, so I wuldn%26#39;t take is so personally when someone makes a flip remark about your absense.

It does sound as if you were missed, and everyone seems to want you to post, isn%26#39;t that nice? I mean it isn%26#39;t like someone posted%26#39; Thank goodness we havn%26#39;t heard from Kelbel lately%26quot;, now, that WOULD be upsetting!


Kelbel, I am new to this forum, so just reading your post, as I see it I thought %26quot; wow, super sensitive person%26quot; . Remember no one actually knew what problems you were going through, so I wuldn%26#39;t take is so personally when someone makes a flip remark about your absense.

It does sound as if you were missed, and everyone seems to want you to post, isn%26#39;t that nice? I mean it isn%26#39;t like someone posted%26#39; Thank goodness we havn%26#39;t heard from Kelbel lately%26quot;, now, that WOULD be upsetting!


Hi KelBel...I am sorry that you%26#39;ve been having a hard time lately. I hope things look up soon for you. In regards to Irish%26#39;s comment, I hope you don%26#39;t take it personally...We all love you so much, that you are still fresh in our minds, and we still haven%26#39;t forgotten your amazingly written trip reports.


Kel, I%26#39;m sorry to hear you%26#39;re having such troubles lately and my condolences on your loss.

I just wanted to make sure you are from California and not Canada, and to make sure you are aware of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). It specifically protects people with extended illness/medical issues for themselves or family members. By no means am I an expert but I believe you are allowed up to 12 weeks of leave - even unpaid - and your job is protected. If this was not observed, I would suggest you contact a lawyer.

Again, I%26#39;m sorry you%26#39;re having such a hard time.


Hi kelbel!

glad you are back, but i was sure that unfortunately something happened to you (because otherwise you would not have left us alone), i hope everything is going to be better because you%26#39;re someone very nice. take care, and nice to see you again :)

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