Saturday, April 21, 2012

Continental vs. United Airlines

Has anyone had experience with these carriers on flights from USA to Paris?


hello, is very good to find all the reviews.

I%26#39;ve tried UA...... : food awful, plane ok, but the cheapest on my way.



I did not have a good experience on Continental. Both flights were delayed...the one going to Paris was scheduled to take off at 10pm, and they had us sitting around while they %26quot;worked on the plane%26quot; until after 2am...and they weren%26#39;t sure they were going to take off. It was stressful, and on both flights the flight attendants were rude and just not very nice. Bad food and uncomfortable seats, too. And coming back, the flight was late from Paris so we missed out connecting flight from NY to DC - and they acted like it was our fault!! I%26#39;m really not all that picky - I figured that all flights are a hassle these days and one airline is no better than the other (in other words, I do not have high expectations and always go for the cheapest flight) But I will never fly Continental again if I can help it.


I have flown round trip San Francisco (SFO ) to Paris (CDG)

non-stop in 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 on United (UAL) .

All were good flights. I have a ticket on United to Paris this September if United still exists.


Are you flying in economy? If you are, it%26#39;s going to be uncomfortable with any airline--in general. I flew on UAL and it was typical of economy: cramped and uncomfortable. To make matters worse, under the seat in front of me there%26#39;s a metal box so the storage space was cut by 1/4 so I could not stretch out my legs. Food was allright. I do have a preference for Lufthansa however. Economy is not much better in regards to seating and food, but the aircrafts seemed cleaner and the flight attendants seemed more thoughtful and welcoming.


I%26#39;ve flown long distancrs many times on the major American airlines, and I honestly don%26#39;t think there is much difference from one to another. A good flight on the worst of them will be better than a bad flight on the best of them. Economy is cramped, crowded and uncomfortable on all of them, and the food is tolerable, but just barely, most of the time.

Or, as my grandmother used to say: %26quot;There%26#39;s small choice in rotten apples.%26quot;

I have had somewhat better experiences across the board with some of the major European airlines on trans-Atlantic flights, but in all honesty the difference is not that great even there. BA, AirFrance, KLM and (the old) Swissair consistenttly matched or bettered the best service I have ever had on he same routes on American carriers.

It is somewhat better in the front cabin, but the folk up there (of whom I sometimes used to be one) still leave at the same time you do, and arrive after the same number of hours cooped up in an aluminum tube...


Thanks all. As I expected--not much difference.

Mars--thanks for Some help there


I agree with the previous posts.

The tie-breaker therefore becomes which one gives you the best routes.

From here in SFO, UA gives me non-stop service to CDG. CO used to have non-stops SFO-LHR (London) but otherwise, UA gets the nod between domestic carriers.

From Atlanta, I think Delta gets the nod. I%26#39;d imagine that Delta%26#39;s got nice nonstops from ATL to CDG and to Nice (!) if I remember correctly.


Oh yah....Delta...

Delta%26#39;s flights to France may actually be operated by Air France. bonus! Check the fine print to confirm this and you%26#39;ll have yourself a deal of a %26quot;domestic%26quot; carrier.


Thanks Darth

But Continental takes me to Newark from Savannah with a short layover then to Paris. Delta in Atlanta requires more time and more confusion and is more expensive (done that before).


Just got back from Paris/Rome and flew with United. Flight over was really unpleasant as economy always is, and one french flight attendant was incredibly rude and arrogant. Food was beyond bad - love the rotten apples quote from Irish!

Flight home was worse. Delayed in Rome 1 hour and almost missed connection in Frankfurt. Did not matter though because we sat on the airplane for two hours before take off with no toilets!! Plane was completeley, miserably full 747 and no toilets were working. While they tried to fix them, we were forced to sit with no air conditioning. They did eventually open the back doors of the plane. Finally told us we were going to fly home with 7 of 14 toilets working and over 300 people in board. Thought I might jump out at this point but thought, it may be no better on a different flight! Food was MUCH better coming home from Germany. I could actually eat something. 23 hour day to get from Rome to SFO. I am certain I will not fly economy again. My girl friend flew Air france/Delta and also found it miserable. Economy to Europe is hard no matter what.

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