Thursday, April 12, 2012

Any Jet Lag Advice?

I got home from Paris six days ago and I%26#39;m still having a hard time getting my internal clock re-set (the time difference here in California is 9 hours). Is this normal? Any effective remedies to suggest? Thanks!


Mine difference was 6 hours, but I stayed awake until 9 pm (local time) upon arriving back home, even though my body thought it was 3 am. And when I woke up at 7 am the next working, I was fine.

Sorry you%26#39;re having such a rough time....I can%26#39;t imagine why.


%26quot;Mine difference%26quot;?? Meant to say %26quot;mine was a difference...%26quot;.

Sorry....all grammatical knowledge goes out the window on weekends!


Sorry, but all my experiences with Jet lag was following eastbound flights, never westbound. I just started sleeping on the local schedule for where I was at and I soon adjusted.


It took me a full week to get back to normal. My time difference is 8 hours. Best suggestions are to darken your room for sleep, and when you wake up in the middle of the night, do something to help you get back to sleep, such as reading a book. Avoid naps.

Good luck. It does get better!


My husband%26#39;s jet lag took about 4 days to cure. Are you sleeping at night at all? If you are having trouble sleeping at night...make sure you don%26#39;t drink alcohol (as that can cause a disturbance in your sleep cycle), take a nice relaxing warm bath before going to bed, and make certain that your feet are warm (cold feet can prevent you from falling asleep). Make sure you rise early the next morning and don%26#39;t sleep in. Also make sure you are eating properly, as sporadic eating can cause your internal clock to go hay wire too. Hope all this helps.


Thanks. We%26#39;ve taken many other long trips and haven%26#39;t struggled more than a day or two with the time adjustment. Perhaps the difference this time is that we walked ourselves into exhaustion each day in Paris and then hit the full regular work/family schedule as soon as we got home. Wish I could take a vacation to recover from the vacation!


We use melatonin a couple hours before bedtime. It%26#39;s available at health food stores, and doesn%26#39;t have the side effects of sleeping pills. It%26#39;s a hormone, and not for use for those under 18 or so.


I normally don%26#39;t have problems upon returning back to the states - this time I did. We got back Saturday late afternoon, and I%26#39;m exhausted! I finally let myself take some naps today, and I%26#39;m hoping to be better tomorrow.

I think that our being up for nearly 24 hours didn%26#39;t help - we left Munich, did a two hour flight - waited about 3 hours at Gatwick and had a 9 hour flight home. We didn%26#39;t get back to our home until about 22 hours after we left, with no sleep. I%26#39;d already been beat by the end of our two weeks.

In my case, I think allowing myself to let my body rest will help a lot. I%26#39;d have done much better if we%26#39;d just done one long flight instead of having the Munich to London leg too.


My doctor prescribed Ambien for my trip and I didn%26#39;t have any problems at all with jet lag going to Paris or coming back to Texas. I swear by it.


Ambien is great if you can%26#39;t sleep at night. Or benedryl if you can%26#39;t get a prescription.

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