Thursday, April 12, 2012

will it be Paris for the summer Olympics in 2012?

Singapore is currently abuzz as to which city will be the host for the summer Olympics in 2012.The front-runner,Paris is facing such stiff competition by fellow favourite,London to host it.It seems London is upping the ante by sending their popular football star,David Beckham when the IOC decides next month.Even Blair,it seems is lending his support to be present for the announcement as well.i read recently,Chirac or Villepin,the new PM,may just popped in to show solidarity.My bet that it would be Paris,but London is mustering its might to sway the voters to swing their which it will be,do you think?c%26#39;est Paris ou Londre?


Well if it is Paris, won%26#39;t all the US athletes be criticised by wearing their shiny new white running shoes/trainers/sneakers! I hope it is London


If I lived in Paris I would want it to be London. If I lived in London, Paris would be welcome to the Games...

Since I do not live in either one, I will merely arrange my travel in 2012 so as not to be in whichever city is hosting the Games during them or for several weeks before or after they take place - assuming I am still around to care one way or the other, that is...


If Paris gets the Olympics, the athlete%26#39;s village will be just 4 blocks from our apartment. I%26#39;m a bit nervous about how that might permanently change the character of our neighborhood, but I%26#39;m also terribly excited at the prospect. I think it will be rather exciting and it seems to me that it%26#39;s one of those %26quot;once in a lifetime%26quot; experiences that shouldn%26#39;t be missed.


As I understand it part of the Paris bids noveltiezs is that they plan to put everything back the way it was in the Bois de Boulogne aftre the games finish - not sure if this is near where you live nor can I remember what was meant to be in the Bois hope this might out your mind at rest. Hey and just think how much you could make renting your appt. out if we get them ;-)

Talking to a Parisian friend at lunch today and she casually mentioned that the no vote on the referendum may be badly viewed, too internal looking, by the International community and so damage Paris%26#39; chances.

I don%26#39;t care much who gets it (I live on the other side of the city andd may have moved on by then) but I feel sorry for anyone trying to get round London on public transport if they win ! At least Paris has successfully done big sports events recently enough to show they know what they%26#39;re doing.



We%26#39;re in Batignolles near where the Olympic Village will be built on the site of the old warehouses near the railroad. We be halfway between the Bois and St-Denis, where most of the events will take place. Our mairie has already pledged that the site will be rebuilt with boutiques, apartments and parks, whether the Olympics come to Paris or not. But obviously, things will move much faster if there is a deadline. You know, the French bureaucracy can%26#39;t seem to accomplish any major renovation without a deadline (think Orangerie, Catacombs)!!


If esthetics and effort count it will be Paris. I was in both cities when the IOC visited... Paris was (and still is) all rainbow circles and olympic banners. Next week the mayor is asking the city to turn out in large numbers to the Champs Elysees to celebrate the games.

London just had a few flags and a decorated bus or two. Weak, very weak.


I was recently in both London %26amp; Parisand let me tell ya... London was really making a big effort for it. I saw advertisements everywhere. And they even had a temporary building set up in the middle of Trafalgar Square supporting their bid for the Olympics (%26quot;Back the Bid%26quot;). I took a tour through this and watched a film and they even had a hologram %26#39;man%26#39; that appeared after the film and he encouraged you to vote right then %26amp; there.


Admittedly, I haven%26#39;t been in Paris since January, but I was taken aback by the elegance of the city%26#39;s pro-Olympics campaign. The shifting Olympic-colored lights washing the front of the Hotel de Ville and the patinoire were absolutely stunning!!


As a London taxpayer, my fingers are crossed for Paris.


Reuters news service reports this morning that Paris and London are the leading candidates to host the 2012 Olympics.

Thank God it%26#39;s not New York City - my sympathies to both Paris and London. I lived in Los Angeles during the 1984 Summer Olympics and it was a nightmare.

Live to Travel


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