Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sunday afternoon.

I will arive early in the morning in Montmartre.After a rest,what is the best thing to do in a sunday afternoon?


Take a walk down Rue St. Martyrs.


Go to the Marais for a falafel. LOL. Actually, they do make some of the best falafel on the planet and they are one of the few neighborhoods where businesses are allowed to be opened on Sun.

Fortunately, the Montmartre area down to the Abessess metro was recently designated the third quartier in the city have this priviledge, so you may want to stick close to the hotel for your first day and explore the locale.


Organ concerts at Notre Dame.


Enjoy a stroll through Luxembourg Park and Tuilleries

visit the D%26#39;Orsay, spend some relaxing time in the

Rodin Sculpture Garden or wehatever pleases you.


I found Montmarte to be so wonderful that I stayed the whole day! I wanted to do more than the touristy things. I wandered around the back streets exploring the little cobblestone streets and saw some lovely things. I recommend staying for a while if you have the time!


phread - interesting, I thought businesses were closed by owners choice on Sundays. But there are actually regulations about it? where might I find more info on this? (because I%26#39;m a geek and curious about everything)


what time there is an organ concert at notre dame???


You should find details on the Notre Dame%26#39;s web page.

I%26#39;d expect concerts rather around noon or then, later in the afternoon.

Also, you%26#39;ll find all church concerts listed in the weekly what%26#39;s on Pariscope which you can buy at any newsstand for some 0.40E. Runs Wed-Tue and which lists whatever you may be looking for (special exhibits, opening hours, concerts, etc.).


Best thing to do is what I do, stay in bed !


Hello Grace...

Nope stores are closed Sundays because it is the law. Try google for more info.

Each city gets to decide so there are suburbs outside of Paris where you will find an open IKEA or Carrefour, while in other %26#39;burbs the shopping centers are closed tight.

Paris has four %26quot;zones%26quot; that are allowed to open Sun. Montmartre, the Marais, Chinatown and a portion of the Latin Qtr.

Opening days for pharmacies and bakeries are also controled by law so every qtr. has meds. and bread avail. every day of the week. Not sure who determines if a cafe is open or not.

Unfortunately this is all changing and there are rumours that the entire city will eventually be open 7 days a week. I find this very sad, as I lived in Montreal when they changed the law and it has a dramatic effect on society.... less family time and more shopping time. People have more time to run their errands, so they stretch them out meaning they are busy every day of the week, no down time.

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